Balsamic Glazed Pork Chops & Tabouleh

This is an easy, light and healthy meal, especially good in the summertime!


1 cup of couscous & 2 cups of hot water

1 cup of finely diced tomato, 1 cup of cucumber

1 cup of finely chopped parsley, 1 cup of mint

1/4 cup olive oil & the juice of 1 lemon

Salt & Pepper

Put the couscous and the water in a bowl, and cover until the water is absorbed.  Taste the couscous, if it’s still too hard, add some more hot water.

Couscous & Water

Water absorbed

Let it cool.

Chop the vegetables and herbs.  I used 1 medium sized tomato, 1 medium sized cucumber, and ½ of a big red onion.  I used all of the parsley shown in the picture, and half the package of mint.

Clockwise from top right: Olive oil, Salt&Pepper, MInt, Onion, Tomato, Cucumber, Lemon, Parsley

When the couscous has cooled down, mix all the ingredients together. Taste and adjust the seasonings. Add more lemon, salt, or pepper if you feel like it.  Voila! Ready!

You can prepare ahead if you want, it tastes even better in a couple of hours.

Balsamic Glazed Pork Chops

5 pork chops

1 cup of balsamic vinegar

Salt & Pepper & 1 teaspoon of sugar

1 garlic clove & 1 tablespoon of olive oil

In a bowl, mix the vinegar, salt, pepper and sugar.  Put the pork chops in, and let them marinate for at least ½ an hour.

Chops in Marinade

In a pan, over medium heat, add the garlic finely chopped and the olive oil.  Cook for about a minute and don’t let the garlic burn.

I love the aroma of garlic!

Add the chops and cook for a few minutes on each side until nicely browned.

Nicely browned

Lower the heat, and add the marinade.  Cook over low heat until the marinate has thickened a bit, so that the vinegar has caramelized.

Caramelized balsamic, yum..


Done! So easy! (ignore the fact that my marinade was still a little runny, you cook it longer now young ladies, mmm 'k?)

Do you like cooking?  What is your favorite summertime meal?

May 2024

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