Hair Removal Vol.5: My choices

I have to say, I do not like hair, unless it’s on my head, or on my eyebrows.  I know no one does, but since I am a Mediterranean girl, and not a blonde hairless Scandinavian, I’ve become pretty much the expert on hair removal!

–          Arms, armpits:  I always use my epilator for these.  I‘ve gotten used to it, so no pain for me. Leaves my skin nice and smooth for a good amount of time.

–          Belly:  I only do this sometimes in the summer.  I either wax or epilate.  Both are just as fast for me.

–          Bikini area:  I wax the area once a month.  I used to visit a salon for this, but after watching the procedure so many times, I decided to do it myself.  Is was time consuming at the beginning, now I’m a Brazilian wax pro!

–          Legs:  I usually shave, using a Gilette Mens Razor.  It’s a vibrating one, but the vibration serves for nothing but to scare the shit out of me when I accidentally push the “on” button on the handle.  If I have more time on my hands I will also epilate, but it does cause ingrown hair on my skin.

–          Face: I tweeze or shave my own eyebrows.  I find shaving very fast, easy, and precise.  I can also experiment with different shapes, knowing that it will grow back fast.  I thread my upper lip & I bleach the fine hair around the chin area and on the cheeks.


So ladies!  How do you deal with your hairy parts?  Any advice or tips?  Please share your hair removal experiences and stories!!!

May 2024

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